We Dont Fear The Internal Organs
Here's a quick one.
Indonesians does not fear the internal organ as a food. We often wonder why 'Fear Factor' often potrays such and such as a fearful food.
Just last week most Indonesians (all Moslems in the world) 'celebrate' Iedul Adha. Which is basically a holy sacrificing day.
On that day we slaughter mature male cattle, goat, lamb or camel. We give out almost all of the meat to the poor.
(Just a note, the sacrifice is not to give the animal to God, it's simply proving one's faith by sharing one's welath with others. The history is quite long and i promised this would be a quick post).
In Indonesia, what's left of the slaughtered beast is usually taken and processed as food. This would include intestines, stomach, heart, liver, 'balls', eyes, face meat, tongue and (most delicious of all) the brain!
We don't fear any of it. That's for sure.
But last couple of days, i grew tired of eating all that 'other than meat'. I've eaten the snout, legs and feet, the cattle's eyes and this morning i had 'fried cattle brain for breakfast'.
I mean, c'mon, it's already three days since the Iedul Adha. Isn't there any other food?
(Well in my family's case, i guess i should be grateful. And i am grateful, of course. We're having a serious financial crisis anyway, and free-meat is a blessing for sure)
I'm oficially stuffed by red meat and 'other body parts'. :D
There was this one episode of Fear Factor where they challenged the contestants to eat--GASP!--durians.
That was the only time I wished I were a contestant. To them it was a test of will. To me it'd have been an all-you-can-eat durian buffet for three minutes.
I would've brought a doggie bag.
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