Friday, January 07, 2005

GIve Us Rice and Give Us Peace

Well, since i've decided on writing a blog about 'food, eat and indonesia', i might as well talk about Rice, right!? Because, you see, rice is the main diet of Indonesians.

The saying goes in Indonesia, you haven't eaten unless you've eaten nasi (steamed rice). It is often the case with Javanese than with any other.

The saying goes, you can serve a Javanese a plateful of bread, with soup and lambchops, fried chicken, french fries and a set of Big Mac © if you will, and he would not say he have eaten. Until he have servings of steamed rice.

That's the classic view anyway.

Anyway, rice is always on the menu for me. And i think the same goes for most of Indonesian here in Jakarta. Give Us Rice And Give Us Peace! :p

Here's a quote on why rice isn't so succesful in European countries (from Riceweb):
"Interestingly enough, medical geographers in the 16th century played an important role in limiting the adoption of rice as a major crop in the Mediterranean area. During the 16th and early 17th centuries, malaria was a major disease in southern Europe, and it was believed to be spread by the bad air (hence the origin of the name) of swampy areas. Major drainage projects were undertaken in southern Italy, and wetland rice cultivation was discouraged in some regions. In fact, it was actually forbidden on the outskirts of a number of large towns. Such measures were a significant barrier to the diffusion of rice in Europe. "

I think you people are missing on a lot. Rice is by far, still, the best food i have ever tasted (Thank God for that).

Common Rice Based Food in Indonesia:

  • Steamed Rice served with 'a pack' of side-dishes, the Netherlanders called this rijstaffel
  • Fried Steamed-Rice or Fried Rice a.k.a Nasi Goreng
  • Steamed Rice with Coconut Milk a.k.a Nasi Uduk
  • Steamed Rice with Turmeric a.k.a Nasi Kuning, usually it is served in a cone shape
  • Steamed Rice shaped with leaf wrap, such as ketupat, lontong or bacang
  • Rice Porridge


    At 6:04 PM, Blogger Vc said...

    thanks for dropping by Wicak .


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