Friday, November 02, 2007

A Plate of Head Please..

In a few months Idul Adha will come, the holy day for us moslem to commemorate the sacfrice Ibrahim made of his son Ismail. To cut the story short, each year on Idul Adha able moslem all over the world will slaughter a goat and divide the meat to poorer people. It will also coincide with the Haj Pilgrimage to Mecca.

Anyway.. i remember a couple times on Idul Adha we usually received some 'left-overs' from the mosque, parts of goats that are not usually distributed, that is to say the non-meat part.

A head, is one of the most prized dividing that a family could get. Tough it's laborous (highly laborous) to cook one, if done right a goat's head could be one of the most satisfying meal on that holiday. Along with the, well, testicles of the goat.

The reason i'm writing this now, instead of later, is that i had come across a posting on that lists goat heads (Iraq's Pacha) as one of the most terrifying food ever. And mind you, the list is pretty terrifying even for a 'food enthusiast' like myself.

(Check out the full list on's The 6 Most Terrifying Foods in the World)

From that list, i might dare myself to one day tries the Balut. The head is of course a no brainer (pardon the puns). But all the other food listed is just simply.. well scary and deeply unappetizing.

Anyway.. here's what to expect when eating a goat's (or sheep's or lamb's or cow's) head:

  • hard to crack skull with juicy delicious brain inside
  • strong fibrous yet delicious meat from the face (argh.. face meat!)
  • ignore the teeth.. they're probably the grossest part.. the tongue can be delicious, but need extra preparation
  • the nose (or snout) can be used in rujak.. yumm
  • eyeballs are a delicacy.. just dont let it stare at you for too long
I dont think we ever cook the head as whole. The general wisdom is to chop it up (with an axe, perhaps) and cook it's parts, sometimes as separate dishes or as one gulai (a sort of curry). Yummmy.

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